Monday, February 1, 2010


Kylea helped me onto my new bike
and Matilda helped open my presents.
My own train! Yes!
Harry's fairly accurate interpretation of David.
Just what I wanted! A stage!

Espen's First Birthday

Espen's friend Matilda brought her family for birthday tacos

and cake.

Espen liked sharing his piece with 'Tilda
and Fida.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christmas in the land of mediocre photography

David tells the childeren that smiling on command is conformist. Austin, ever the rebel, busts out the best smile I've ever been able to photograph of him

Thanks to the computer, the streams of buggers are a distant memory.

A nice picture of their backsides.

But most of the shots looked more like this.
I almost beat you this time, evil gnome of staged photography.

Hokon's Birthday

Espen trying out the slide on Hokon's new bed

Hokon checking out his new truck

Opening the first present of the night. This is the point where he exclaimed with sheer delight, "Ooooh look! A box!"

Hokon radiated a new kind of joy as we sang Happy Birthday.

The cake. Really, I can explain...


Well we don't have any toy guns at home, so given the chance...

So happy to be playing with the big kids

A rare photo with the mama (who's usually the photographer).

Espen with Aunt Charlotte at the Organ Stop Pizza

Hokon revisiting his younger days in the infant seat.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009